Parish Council Agendas & Minutes

The Parish Council Agenda is posted 7 days in advance (or by the end of Friday before at the latest) of the next Wednesday's Council Meeting. The Agenda and Minutes are publicly available. Draft minutes of the most recent meeting are intended to be available on the website within 14 days (28 days at most) of the meeting, but these are not final until they are approved at the subsequent meeting. For associated papers and older minutes or further information, please contact the Clerk

All meetrings are usually now held in the in the Yaxham Village Hall. All meetings now usually start at 7.30pm (Please check the agenda to confirm date, time and venue)

Please note, for an item to be considered for inclusion by the Clerk on the agenda of the next meeting, including applications for grants and invoices for payment, then these need to be provided in writing to the Clerk at least 10 days before the meeting -

Most Recent Agenda/Minutes

All Parish Council Agendas & Minutes