Welcome to Yaxham Parish Council

Here is information about what Yaxham Parish Council does, members of the council and information about your local councillors and MP. If you need to get in touch with the council, please contact the clerk.

You can look up agendas and decisions made in previous meetings and the dates of future meetings.

You can read about the planning process, policy documents and details of the parish council finances.


Parish Council News


  • S Jackman says:

    Hi. Can you tell me what plans the Council has to make these web pages compliant with the Website Accessibility Regulations that come into force on 23 September 2020? See https://wave.webaim.org/report#/https://yaxham.com/parish-council/ for a report on issues that need to be addressed.

    • This was discussed during the July 16th 2020 meeting of the Parish Council, during which it was agreed to make a number of changes to improve the accessibility of yaxham.com. These will appear on the site in the coming weeks. Planned changes include improvements to the overall contrast and readability of the site, enhancements for screen readers and other general accessibility improvements. These cover some, but not all of the criteria on the WebAIM tool linked to in your comment.

      Please that the council is not obligated to make these changes, as the legislation applies to public-sector websites created or significantly altered on or after 23rd September 2018.

      If you have any suggestions for improvements to general accessibility you’re welcome to suggest them, either here or via https://yaxham.com/contact/

  • emma senior says:


    i look after your account for Church and trying to get hold of sally

    thank you
    Emma 01616960176

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