Yaxham Parish Council & Charity “virtual” Meetings Thursday 30th April 2020

April 23, 2020 1:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The next Parish Charity and Council meetings start at 3pm on Thursday 30th April 2020. The Charity meeting will be first, followed by the Parish Council meeting. They will be held under the latest Gvt regulations providing remote “virtual” meetings during the Covid-19 National Emergency. We will be using “Zoom”. If you would like to join these meetings please contact the Clerk in writing yaxhamparishclerk@gmail.com and you will be provided with a link to the meetings.

The agendas are below:
2020-04-30 – Charity Agenda draft (3)
2020-04.30-PC-Agenda draft v5

If you wish to comment on any of the items on the agenda you either join the meeting and participate in the Public Session or contact the Clerk in writing yaxhamparishclerk@gmail.com and they will be read-out in summary form.

Other papers for these meetings can be found at:

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