Logging In
If you're an editor, the first step is to log into the system. You can do so by going to:
You should have received an email with your username and password. If you haven't then please contact the Yaxham webmaster.
Getting Familiar
The system used on Yaxham.com is called WordPress.
If you haven't used it before, we suggest you take a few minutes to get an idea of the overall system by watching this 5 minute Youtube Video
In most cases you'll be interested in one of the sections found on the black bar to the left. Of most importance are:
Posts - Use these for news articles or announcements. Posts are usually shown in date order, and disappear into the archive as they are replaced with newer content.
Events - Use these for announcing events. They are very similar to posts, with the addition of date and location information.
Pages - Use these for permanent pages that you'd like to add to a particular part of the site (advanced)
Media - Browse and upload pictures and documents to the site that can be used in any of the above.