Yaxham Parish Council Meeting Thursday 22nd July 7.30pm in the Village Hall

July 15, 2021 3:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After a year of the pandemic this is the first physical meeting of the Parish Council since February 2020.  Because of the continuing government guidance it is being held in the Main Hall of the Village Hall.  Windows will be open for ventilation, seating and tables will be set at a distance. Members of the public are asked to respect these measures and only sit together where they are a family bubble.  Everyone is requested to wear a mask or face-shield and hand sanitizer will be available for both Cllrs and members of the public.

The agenda is below:


Minutes of the previous meetings can be found on the yaxham.com website

Prior to this meeting there will be a meeting of the Staffing Committee commencing at 6pm in the David Myhill Room.  By the nature of the agenda items the public and press are likely to be excluded from the main part of this meeting.  The agenda is below:


Minutes of previous Staffing Committee meetings can be found on the yaxham.com website

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