Yaxham Parish Council Extraordinary “Virtual” Meeting 31st March 2020
With the Government prohibiting gatherings of more than 2, Yaxham Parish Council will be holding “virtual” meetings such as but not limited to conference calls (audio or audio visual), email exchanges or otherwise as agreed.
The first such meeting is by email on 31st March 2020. Residents can see the agenda and reports pack on this website and below, and the agenda is also on the Parish Council notice boards in Yaxham and Clint Green:
2020-03-31-PC-EPCAgenda Pack
2020-02-27- PC-Minutes draft v4
Residents can comment by email to the Clerk to the Council – yaxhamparishclerk@gmail.com or email or phone any of the parish councillors at https://yaxham.com/parish-council/members/ who will then share these views with the Clerk and members of the Council for consideration as they decide the issues set out on the Agenda.
Arrangements for subsequent virtual meetings will follow.