Parish Council Finances – End of External Audit Notice
November 6, 2020 12:32 pm
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The Parish Council has been required to have an external audit this year, because expenditure went over a set threshold of £25,000 in 2019-20.
This has been done by the appointed external auditor – PKF Littlejohn – and is known as a “Limited Assurance Review”
This has now been concluded and no issues have been recorded that the parish Council needs to address.
The relevant Documents are:
- 2020-AGAR-Notice of Conclusion of Audit
- 2020-AGAR-PKF-External Auditor Closure Letter
- 2020-AGAR-Section 3 External Auditor signed
These documents are required to be published on the Yaxham village website on the Parish Council Finance page, along with the annual accounts etc.
The Notice of Conclusion of Audit sets out where you can obtain a copy of the now completed Annual Governance & Audit Return (AGAR) for Yaxham Parish Council.