Yaxham Parish Council – Advert for Clerk/RFO
We are advertising for a new Clerk for the Council. Sadly for personal reasons Melanie Eversfield has stood down, and we wish her well with the imminent birth of hew new baby. In the meantime Peter Lowings, Chairman, and Ian Martin, Vice-Chairman will cover the Clerk’s duties between meetings, Pat Baldwin will Clerk meetings, and Ian will be acting RFO in the interim.
The role of Clerk includes that of Responsible Finance Officer (RFO). The contract is for 6 hours a week, plus meetings and training. The level of pay will follow national guidelines and is subject to experience and qualifications. If you are interested please see below the attached advert and recruitment pack. Please email the completed application form to yaxhamparishclerk@gmail.com.
Yaxham PC Clerk Recruitment Pack 2018 08
Yaxham PC Vacancy for Parish Clerk Advert 2018 08