Yaxham Cares & Parish Council Newsletter July 2020
July 5, 2020 1:50 pm
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The latest Yaxham Cares Newsletter has been published and is being delivered to every household in the village. This highlights and says thank you to everyone in the village who has pulled together in response to the Covid-19 national emergency – says Yaxham Cares is still there to support the shielded and the nervous emerging from Lockdown – and that the Parish Council is considering converting Yaxham Cares from a Covid-19 response group to a permanent “Good Neighbour” scheme for the village to be discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 23rd July 2020 over Zoom at 7pm – email the parish clerk for a link to be able to join the meeting.
You can download the news letter from here:
2020-07-02 YPC Newsletter July 2020 final