“Yaxham Cares” launched – Covid-19 volunteer response
Yaxham organisations have come together to form Yaxham Cares – the Parish Council, YVAA, Yaxham Primary School, Yaxham Community Car Scheme, and St Peter’s Church Yaxham.
Yaxham Cares has called for volunteers – some 50 so far – to help those who are self-isolating in response to Covid-19 – by collecting and delivering post, prescriptions, shopping and any other non-medical help required.
With 4 volunteers – who themselves are self-isolating – who are coordinating the volunteer effort area available on the phone and by email – see the first leaflet below delivered to every household in the parish
Yaxham Care COVID19.pdf
and the subsequent updates distributed by email by choosing the Parish Council tab at the top of this page and then choosing “Covid-19 Yaxham Cares.”
For more information see the NP4Yaxham Facebook page and
or email yaxhamcares@gmail.com or yaxhamparishclerk@gmail.com
Thank you to everyone for coming together to help and support our neighbours and community.
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