Yaxham Cares Easter Card to the Community

April 10, 2020 10:41 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Three weeks ago we launched Yaxham Cares with a leaflet delivered to every household in the parish – but things didn’t look so serious then, so people have lost and mislaid them since, or forgotten altogether. We have been sending out electronic updates, but are conscious that many of those who are vulnerable, elderly and self-isolating may not be on email and the internet, or may not be on our email list. So we decided to do a second leaflet in the form of an “Easter Card” to everyone in the village – with details of food deliveries/collections and other services still available, and a reminder of the telephone numbers vulnerable residents can call if they need shopping done, prescriptions collected – just a friendly chat. This has been delivered by volunteers throughout the parish – wearing disposable gloves and lanyards and badges identifying who they are and that are delivering for Yaxham Cares.
Here is our leaflet – stay safe and well
Yaxhamcares update 05042020 v4
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