The Neighbourhood Plan Continues!

August 12, 2017 10:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

At its 20th July 2017 meeting the Parish Council agreed. All the councillors present voted in favour of keeping the NP4Yaxham Working Group going to help the Parish Council with implementing the policies; taking forward the action points; dealing with planning applications; monitoring Breckland’s five year land supply; and securing Yaxham’s position in Breckland’s emerging Local Plan.

See for more details of the Yaxham Neighbourhood Plan.

Lanpro Application, 25 homes north of Norwich Rd – it’s back!
We all thought Breckland had rejected this application in March, it is back on due to a technicality.But now we all have the Yaxham Neighbourhood Plan. So our Breckland Cllr, Paul Claussen, the Parish Council & the NP4Yaxham Working Group will be going into battle on behalf of the village. What really helps is a good turn-out of residents to show the Planning Committee what Yaxham thinks. We defeated Lanpro last time, recently Mattishall defeated Gladman, and now,
with your support, we as a village can defeat Lanpro again!

Please come to the Breckland Planning Committee meeting to show what you think of this application at 9.30am on Tuesday 29th August. Remember, this application is for the first 3 acres of Lanpro’s 60 acre site – your village needs you!

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