Parish Council No Confidence in Cllr Dimoglou
At the Parish Council meeting on 28th June 2018 the no confidence motion was passed unanimously – Cllrs Bennett, Crummett, Goldsmith, Havey, Lowings and Martin all voted in favour. They added an amendment to publicise the motion. The motion passed reads:
“This Council has lost all confidence in Cllr Dimoglou in his capacities as Parish and Ward Councillor to represent the views and interests of the community of the Parish of Yaxham. This follows Cllr Dimoglou’s continuing representation of developer interests rather than those of the Parish, his continued calling for Yaxham to be a Local Service Centre, his promotion of the Lanpro/Glavenhill application as “the first of many more from the same landowner” at the Local Plan Examination; and in his submissions to the Planning Inspector on that same application. As a consequence, the Council calls on Cllr Dimoglou to resign from this Parish Council and the District Council. That this motion be publicised within the Parish, placed on the Parish Council Notice Boards and the website, and sent to Breckland Council and the Local Plan Examiner.”
Peter Lowings, Chairman, said “Ultimately it will be for the electors to decide on 2nd May 2019 when all the council seats are up for election.”