Parish Council Budget/Precept & Charity Meetings Thursday 23rd November
Parish Charity Meeting at 7pm in the David Myhill Room, Yaxham Village Hall, followed by the
Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm.
The Council meeting will be considering amongst other things its budget for 2019/20, parish partnerships for bus-shelters, village gateways and a new mobile speed sign from which we can download traffic data. In addition it will be setting the parish precept for 2019/20, i.e. the amount of the Council Tax collected from residents that finances the parish council activities. The current precept of £11,000 is proposed to be frozen again. This equates to £36.03 for a Band “D” property – or 35p/week per person (assuming a 2 adult family).
Come and have your say on this and any other issues on the agenda or you feel are important in the village.
Charity Agenda & Minutes
2018-11-22 Charity Agenda supplementary
Council Agenda & Minutes & Draft Budget
2019-Budget 2019-20 Budget
2019-Budget 2019-20 Earmark
2019-Budget 2019-20 Parish Partnership Bids