Busy Times Ahead!
It hardly seems like yesterday that we were taking down the Xmas decorations and here we are with Easter behind us and the longer Summer nights upon us. Following the AGM, Judy Butcher and Daniel Hull have joined the team. It is hoped that we will be able to encourage more of the community to come on board and help us drive forward the ambitious plans we have to make our wonderful facilities more appealing to the whole community.
This will all take time and requires input from everybody, if it is to succeed.
We are well advanced in providing improved sports changing facilities and at this stage we have received planning permission to move forward (for which we thank Kristine Wilson our Parish Clerk for all her hard work in achieving this). We are now waiting to hear from Breckland Council regarding our submitted funding application.
Whilst talking about funding applications, we have succeeded in securing support through the Village Hall Fund and Norfolk Community Foundation in order that we can replace the ineffective hand dryers with more up to date models. We would like to place on record our thanks to the Community Foundation for their help and support to generate the much needed monies.
Please make a note in your diaries to support the Football Club Race night on June 3rd, this promises to be a fun evening and is very good value. Then we have the Vintage Day at the end of June, always an entertaining day and this year with even more attractions.
At the beginning of July, The Annual School Fete takes place, providing another opportunity for people to get together and enjoy the fayre on offer!
Finally I would like you all to put September 10th in your diaries as we will be celebrating the fact that the Amenities Association is 40 years strong. We hope to make this a memorable occasion for all.
We definitely have busy times ahead – Let’s hope they are enjoyable.
“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.”
― Dalai Lama XIV
Peter Smith
Chair of the Trustees of Yaxham Amenities Association