Breckland Local Plan Public Consultation

June 5, 2024 9:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Breckland Local Plan: Regulation 18 Consultation (Preferred Options)

Breckland Council is carrying out a public consultation on the Draft Local Plan from 3rd June to 15th July 2024. The local plan, known as Regulation 18, sets out the Council’s draft policies and is an important stage in the plan-making process. It also provides an opportunity for the community, local businesses, landowners, developers, and stakeholders to ‘have a say’ on the draft Local Plan before it is finalised for the next (Regulation 19) stage.

Documents relating to the plan can be viewed here:

All comments will be considered as part of the process of preparing the next version of the Local Plan, known as the ‘Pre-Submission’ or ‘Regulation 19’ version. This will be subject to further consultation in early 2025, prior to the Local Plan being submitted for independent examination. The council are keen for local people to share their views and have their say on this part of the plan. 

Comments can be made via the council’s website either through the surveys or the interactive map Have Your Say Today – Breckland Local Plan – Commonplace or you can view all the materials on Breckland’s page Local Plan Full Update 2024 – Breckland Council and submit comments to


Consultation events

Following the publication of the Draft Local Plan, a range of consultation events will be held across June and July. You can view and register for information about the virtual and in person consultation events via the website link above.

A full list of all the consultation event dates, times and venues as well as links for the virtual sessions can be found here: Preferred Options Draft Local Plan Consultation events June to July 2024.

If you have any questions please email them to

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