Advert for New Clerk/RFO

October 30, 2018 10:35 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Applications are invited for the role of Parish Clerk / Responsible Finance Officer to Yaxham Parish Council, and involves advising and implementing the various decisions made by the Council, as well as ensuring their legal and financial obligations are met. The role is part Time – typically 6 hours/week, but varies depending on meetings and reporting. It is home based, requires internet access, a telephone and access to a car. The council holds a typically 10 evening formal meetings during the year. The council is also responsible for organising the Yaxham Annual Parish Meeting and managing various assets in the Parish and the Parish Charity. Ideally, but not essential, applicants should have prior experience of both a clerk and RFO roles and be familiar with the formal reporting requirements of parish councils, including but not limited to governance and accounts reporting. For more details please see the advert below or email

YAXHAM PC Clerk Advert 2018 11

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