2022-05-30 Notice of Council Vacancy
Following the resignation of Councillor Ian Martin, the notice of vacancy is set out below:
– The formal Notice of the Vacancy is above and is up on the website and Parish Council noticeboards. If 10 or more residents write to Breckland, see the Notice for details, requesting that there be a formal by-election by 21st June 2022 then Breckland will run that election and start with a call for candidates. If only one candidate then they will be elected. If more than one then Breckland will organise the by-election polling arrangements. (If this occurs it will cost the Parish Council around £1,500-£2,000 to cover Breckland’s costs).
If less than 10 residents request an election then there will not be one and the Parish Council will then set in motion the co-option process.
– As a Parish Councillor, typically there are 10-12 evenings of meetings each year, with some covering both the Parish Council and the Parish Charity. Taking say 2-3 hours per evening. There is paperwork to read in advance, but this sets out the basic level of commitment. Anything beyond this time commitment is up to each individual councillor to decide for themselves. The key requirement is to have a real interest and commitment to help maintain and improve our parish, and represent its best interests. There is training available for new councillors which the Parish Council will organise and pay for.
– if you would like more information or to express an interest in possibly being a parish councillor then please email the Parish Council Clerk.
Further notices will be published as required.