Parish Council November Newsletter

November 21, 2019 12:41 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The latest Parish Council Newsletter is out and being distributed around the Parish. It advertises the Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 28th November and the Planning Applications to be considered. It is to be held in the David Myhill Room at Yaxham Village Hall:
– 6pm Exhibition of Planning Application Details
Open to all residents to view the latest planning application details ahead of the meeting
– 7pm-9pm Parish Council Meeting
which includes the Public Session for residents to raise matters of concern, and
the consideration of the planning applications
– 8.30pm onwards – The Bar is open in the Community Room,
Cllrs will adjourn here after the meeting and can discuss the evening’s matters informally with residents

The Newsletter also has details of events at Yaxham Village Hall:
– Community Cafe on 26th November 10am-12noon – when BBC Look East may drop in
– Community Carol Service 8th December 2pm
– Community Cafe on 12th December 10am-12noon – regular second Thursday of the month cafe
– New Year’s Party 7.30pm-1am

There are also details about the Yaxham 2020 Calendar.

The newsletter is available below:
YPC Newsletter 2019 11

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