Parish Council & Charity Meetings 24th October

October 18, 2019 11:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The next Parish Council and Charity meetings are on 24th October in the David Myhill Room of Yaxham Village Hall:
– Parish Council Staffing Committee at 6.15-6.45pm*
– Parish Charity Meeting at 7.00-7.30pm
– Parish Council Meeting at 7.30-9.30pm

ALL Welcome – Community Room Bar will be open from 8.30pm.

* Please note the press and public will be excluded from the main part of this meeting as it will be dealing with confidential personnel matters.

Agenda’s and minutes are here:
2019-10-24-Staffing Agenda

2019-07-18-Staffing Minutes

2019-10-24-Extraordinary Charity Agenda



2019-09-26-PC-Minutes draft

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