Yaxham Village Consultation, Craft Fayre & YVAA 40th Birthday Memories

November 25, 2017 11:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts
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Date(s) - 25/11/2017
11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Yaxham Village Hall


Neighbourhood Plan Consultation
Where does the NP4Yaxham go now, and how is the Parish
Council planning on implementing the “Parish Action Points” – PAP9?

What do YOU want to see from the Parish Action Points, and how can YOU help?
What are your views on the:

  • Church Rooms Restoration Project
  • Children’s Play Space and MUGA (multi-use games area)
  • Reduction of Speed limits within the Parish
  • The extension of Footpaths and cycleways?

Craft Fair
SEE all the Yaxham crafters at work!

Would you like a stall? Get in touch!

The Craft Fair is as a result of input from residents in the Community Led Plan and the recent Neighbourhood Plan and is planned to coincide with the lead-up to Christmas.

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