Social Club

Fed up with the TV and the politics? Why not pop in to our social club, have a game of darts a game of pool or a flutter on our gaming machine whilst having a very reasonable priced drink.

Our club is open as follows

Friday and Saturday evenings from 7.30pm
Tuesday evenings for dart matches
Late Saturday afternoon after the home football matches.
Membership is very reasonable at £3.00 for one year and £12.50 for ten year membership with a discount for senior citizens, Membership fees for the next year are due on 1st June 2015.

The bar opens at 7.30pm on those nights as well as when there is a darts match on a Thursday; we also normally open the bar after a home football game, so check out the fixture list to see when the bar will be open earlier on match days. If you would like to find out more, just pop in and ask behind the bar for membership details.

All our bar staff are volunteers and we we welcome not only new members to our club but new volunteers to help run the bar and club.

Our Social Club was established back in August 1987 with 27 founder members and today has over 100 members.

We hope to see you soon.

September 2017
Social Club We would like to welcome new potential members to come along on a Friday or Saturday evening and enjoy a reasonably priced drink in your village social club. Membership is still only £3 per year, or £12.50 for 10 years, with further discounts for seniors.

If you haven’t renewed your membership there is still plenty of time.

We have a dance on Saturday 28th October with ‘Lowrider’, and don’t forget to book Friday 4th November into your diary for our dance and firework night, with music by ‘Tobacco Road’. Further details will be posted in the bar and hall nearer the date and, of course, once we know the timings of the firework display a note will be sent round to local residents advising them.


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