Parish Council Meetings

Please Note:  Please keep an eye on and Parish Council notice boards for agendas and meeting notices.

If as a resident of Yaxham you wish for further information, then please email the Clerk at

Full Parish Council Meetings are held at monthly usually on the 4th Wednesday, with the exception of August and December when a meeting will not take place.  Extraordinary Parish Council Meetings may be called under the Standing Orders at any time if there is a pressing planning application or other issue that needs addressing before the next planned Full Parish Council Meeting.

All meetings, unless advised otherwise, commence at 7.30pm and are held in the David Myhill Room at the back of the Village Hall in Jubilee Park, Yaxham. Any member of the public is welcome to come along and hear discussion about current issues or you may speak about any parish matter during the public session that is held at the beginning of each meeting.
The public and press are always very welcome to attend/join each meeting of the Parish Council, although they may be asked to leave if a confidential matter needs to be considered.
In May every year the Annual Parish Meeting is held.  All parishioners are invited to attend.  This is your Meeting at which you may ask the Parish Council to arrange for a speaker on a particular subject of interest to the village, discuss matters that concern you and hear what your Council has achieved during the past year.
If you are unable to attend/join a meeting but would like a matter discussed, please contact the Parish Clerk at least 7 days prior to the advertised date for the meeting with the details.
In the event that a meeting is cancelled, notices will be placed on the Parish Council noticeboards and the Yaxham website on the Sunday prior to the scheduled meeting.
2024 Meeting Dates:
24th January – Parish Charity & Parish Council
21st February – Parish Council
27th March – Parish Council
24th April – Annual Parish Meeting & Parish Council
22nd May – Parish Charity & Parish Council Annual Meeting
26th June – Parish Council
24th July – Parish Charity & Parish Council
18th September – Parish Council
23rd October – Parish Charity & Parish Council
27th November – Parish Council
NB Parish Charity Meeting dates are indicative and only held when there is business to consider.

Parish Council Pages